(en/fr) (some/no)thingness… spaces, interactions, encounters… among others... un/known, un/expected, light, particles, polarities, electricity, magnetism, informations, cells, organisms, other things…. the inevitable… things take shape, develop... a being among others… a gaze perceives through an organism, through eyes… “Lamia”… what is it? a name, a designation, a code among others to identify, facilitate communication…as any other name, designation, code, symbol, etc… the gaze (and/or Lamia) sees, feels, lives, realizes, questions sensations, pains, intensity, sweetness, attachment, detachment, stories, beliefs, interpretations, notions, lightness, heaviness, visible/invisible, pleasant/unpleasant, known/unknown, expected/unexpected, truth, time, death, universe, etc… it (and/or she) also questions the fact of being attached to a specific body, focused on a specific environment, platform, reality… things happen through what is called “time”… unknown, unexpected, spontanei...